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Monday, February 17, 2025
Elvet_Bridge_- Courtesy of _geograph.org.uk - Durham

Legends and Things that go Bump in the Night

  Durham has its share of ghostly happenings and legendary shenanigans. In common with many other ancient Cities Durham has its share of spooks and...
Ghosts Durham - www.flickr.com1024 × 683 - Ghosts in the Redwood's | by bluesbby

More Fascinating Legends and Ghosts lurking in Durham’s Fair City

Ghostly happenings and legends are common place in Britain, one of The Tower of London’s ghostly visions is said to wander about at night...
beard - pixabay.com

To Shave or Not to Shave?

As a dedicated follower of fashion, to coin a phrase, actually more of an observer of people and events, it is difficult to miss...
Postive Mental Attitude - Durham Magazine

Walls do not a Prison Make – PMA in Durham

Actually sometimes they do, there are residents of Durham who would certainly disagree with that sentiment. However, the principal is sound. One only has to...
Durham Old City Baths - robbirrell.com

Happy School Holidays

The end of the school year has arrived and youngsters can chill out for five or six weeks. For parents the end of the ‘school...

Strictly St Cuthbert’s Dance Spectacular 2017, Register Now

Armchair dancers across the Country are once again engrossed in the BBC Dance Spectacular Strictly Come Dancing, and the bets are on about who will...
Library and Music School - geograph.org.uk

Looking for Treasure Trove? Uncover Free Books are at your Local Library.

There are 39 Libraries in County Durham including three in Durham City, they belong to all of us and are not just the province...
Tattoos and Piercings in Durham

Tattooing and Piercing are all the Fashion in Durham, and elsewhere.

As one who can claim to be a sufferer of trypanophobia, which is a fear of needles and injections, I am often struck with...
Army Cadets

For Youngsters Looking for Adventure and Excitement the Durham ACF is Just the Job.

Young people love adventure and activity, especially when it is organised, structured and challenging. Parents equally like to see their young people growing and...
A Train on Durham North Station = www.geograph.org.uk

The Train Arriving Could Be at?

George Stephenson was not only Father of the Railways, this amazing man of the North East was by association responsible for us knowing what...