With Brexit fast approaching, and little sign of a deal on the table, many people in the north east have begun asking how leaving the EU will impact them.
From trade tariffs and job security to the impacts on business and education to the rights of EU citizens living here and those of Brits abroad – there are many questions that seem difficult to find concrete answers to.
A series of north-east events aim to clear up some of the confusion around Brexit and to make clear – as much as possible – what people’s rights will be.
Three events will be held, during which people will be given up-to-date advice and have the chance to ask questions.
All the events are free and are organised by Europe Direct Durham, which is managed by Durham County Council.
The council’s international officer, Brian Stobie, said, “Our hope is that attendees come away from these events feeling better informed.”
“As Brexit gets closer, it is important that people have the chance to ask questions that are important to them. These events will not reflect any political viewpoint. They are instead intended simply to inform people as to how a Brexit deal may affect them.”
The first event, which will focus on citizen’s rights, will be held at Sage, Gateshead, from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm on Thursday 20th September.
At this event, information will be given out about the Home Office requirement for EU citizens to register for settled status in the UK in order to access education, healthcare and benefits after 2021.
MEP Jude Kirton-Darling will be on hand to answer any questions about these issues, as will Christopher Desira – the director of Seraphus Solicitors – who has been appointed by the European Commission to give advice on such matters.

The next event, which will discuss the impact of Brexit on north-east business, will take place at the Stadium of Light, Sunderland, from 8.00 am to 10.30 am on Tuesday 30th October.
This event will be led by Sally Jones, who is the international trade policy director of the audit and consulting organisation Deloitte. Sally is also the chair of a trade group that liaises with government departments.

The third event, which will explore Brexit’s impact on the higher education sector, will take place at Durham University on Thursday 1st November between 6.00 and 7.30 pm.

To learn more or to book your free place at an event, please go to [email protected] or telephone 03000 268 500.
You can learn more about Europe Direct Durham by visiting www.europedirectnortheastengland.com.
(Featured image courtesy of Tiocfaidh ar la 1916, from Flickr Creative Commons.)