There are 39 Libraries in County Durham including three in Durham City, they belong to all of us and are not just the province of students preparing for exams.
At a time when, seemingly, many people would prefer the quick fix of a ‘smart’ app including a Kindle for those who love to read, one could wonder what there is about a library that is of interest. Free books is one answer. The world of the written word is huge, going where the human imagination goes, bringing understanding and pleasure to many people, the list of benefits is endless. There is nothing quite like an actual book to liberate the imagination and feed the soul.
The Library service works extremely hard to bring people into their libraries, encouraging children and so many other people with attractions and events, including people with visual and other impairments. As the Libraries are free they provide yet another interesting place to go on a rainy day, and rainy days appear to be with us for a while to come, so during the school holidays why not sign up at the library and borrow some wonderful reading to while away the hours, the pictures are better than the telly and they are more user friendly than an app! Plus, you can meet the most interesting people there and have a chat over a coffee and a biscuit.
Durham Clayport Library in Millennium Square is brim full of goodies waiting to be accessed. There is a great emphasis on children and teens, including a Play Station 3. The Library boasts a full stock of 750,000 book titles to choose from, plus every leading periodical, and a full array of daily newspapers – very useful as a job search asset. There are many other facilities for study, archive search, computer use-including computer training facilities, and access to computers, communications technology, and the HealthZone for those who wish to adopt a healthier lifestyle, or deal with health issues and dependencies. Every Durham Library has a HealthZone giving easy access to crucial information.
In addition, local libraries are the local hub for information with details of local interest and events happening in just about every area of life, plus contact information for local organisations. If you want to know what is going on in your part of County Durham, the library is a good place to start.
Libraries are a precious amenity, many are under threat because of budgetary constraints and some rural libraries are staffed by volunteers. The old saying ‘what you don’t use you lose’ was never truer, if we don’t protect this centre of excellence it will disappear.
So, if you are watching a months’ worth of rainfall in one day cascading past your windows and the kids are revolting why not put on a raincoat and explore your local library? The world of reading, and a lot more besides, awaits.