Remembering VE Day 1945 With Record Office’s Third Thursday Talk Series

Remembering VE Day 1945 With Record Office’s Third Thursday Talk Series

County Durham residents can find out more about the history of County Durham this month.

Durham County Record Office, which is run by Durham County Council, is offering three fascinating talks across March, following the recent success of its online events.

On Thursday, 18 March, people can find out how Victory in Europe (VE Day) was celebrated by civilians and soldiers in both County Durham and Europe, on the day itself (8 May 1945), and in the days, weeks and months that followed.

The free talk, ‘“We have come through”: Remembering VE Day 1945’, the next in the Record Office’s Third Thursday Talk series, will begin at 10.30am and is based on the Record Office’s own archives.

Later in the month, residents who have perhaps been inspired by this year’s 2021 Census, can then look back at censuses from the past.

Historical censuses: a window on the past’ will look at some interesting examples from previous County Durham censuses, as well as exploring how the administration and purpose of the census have changed over time.

Taking place just two days after the 2021 Census, this free talk begins at 10.30am on Tuesday, 23 March.

Finally, the Record Office’s successful Branching Out programme will continue on Thursday, 25 March.

The Branching Out programme is aimed at people who already have some experience of family history, focusing on a different research topic each time.

Remembering VE Day 1945 With Record Office’s Third Thursday Talk Series

This month, participants will once again have a choice of morning or evening sessions, at either 10am or 6pm, on Thursday, 25 March, with both sessions looking at school records and how to trace ancestors who were either teachers or those who were pupils.

The Branching Out talk costs £5 and advance booking are essential.

Dawn Layland, education and outreach archivist at Durham County Record Office, said: “We are delighted that our online talks have proved so popular in recent months and really hope to have inspired people to trace their roots or look back into County Durham’s past.

Each of these talks will not only provide you some insight into our history, but will hopefully help to show you how to get the most of the documents that are available online, and help to enhance our residents’ research skills as well as sharpening your interest and connecting with like-minded people.”

To book a place on any of the talks taking place in March, residents can visit the Record Office online shop at

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