Durham Organic Gardeners Association are a group of people from all around Co. Durham with an interest in growing with as little artificial help as possible.
Membership is from a wide range of gardeners from allotment holders to small front gardens or back yards with little more than pots to cultivate.
Members meet monthly in Croxdale Community Centre at 7pm on the second Wednesday in the month with the exception of August, which appears to be the favourite holiday time and meetings usually close about 9pm.
The subject matter is as varied as the methods of cultivation and often includes garden visits but always includes tea and coffee and cakes of one sort or another. There is usually a table where members can re-home excess or unwanted seeds and plants and during the “coffee” break members can be found exchanging hints and tips and general gardening news.
New members will find a very warm and friendly welcome. Annual membership is very low and usually, there is a small fee for speaker nights. More information is available on their website www.doga.org.uk and the Facebook page DurhamOrganicGardenersUK