35% of children in the North East are growing up in poverty. That’s nine in a classroom of 30. Feeding Families works across the North East, helping those who can’t access food banks.
They offer support, hope and security to those experiencing food poverty. Working closely with other organisations and agencies, they ensure that thousands of families in desperate need have access to our Emergency Food Boxes and support packages. Feeding Families offers more than just food, it shows compassion to those in crisis.
Rachel Lister from Feeding Families said “We are extremely grateful for Dean’s help and support, not only in this festive period, but all year around”
Mr Midas said: “Every single penny we raise during this walk, really will change people’s lives. Thank you in advance for your support”
You can donate to Dean’s walk via https://feedingfamilies.enthuse.com/pf/deanmidasfilms