Have you ever thought you might like to spend your time persuading County Durham’s parents of the benefits of ‘real’ rather than disposable nappies? If you would, Durham County Council wants to hear from you.
The council is keen to promote the economic and environmental advantages of reusable nappies.
With Real Nappy Week coming up, Durham County Council is searching for parents who would be willing to share their experiences of real nappies and answer questions from other mums and dads who are considering ‘going real’.
Each year in the UK, 355,000 tonnes of disposable nappies are thrown away, resulting in a cost of £32 million to the taxpayer. For every £1 spent on non-reusable nappies, taxpayers pay 10 pence in disposal costs.

Real nappies are cheaper for consumers too. By switching from disposable nappies to real ones, families could make a saving of up to £1,000 per child or £400 a year.
Each baby needs around 4,000 to 6,000 disposable nappies but only 25-30 real ones.
The environment would also benefit from more real nappy use. Using real nappies creates 40% less CO2 than disposable nappy usage.
Real nappies are nowadays available in a variety of materials, which are gentle on the skin. They also come in a range of colours, patterns and designs.
Studies suggest that babies that wear real nappies are less likely to get nappy rash and are more easily potty trained.
Real Nappy Week will take place between Monday 24th April and Sunday 30th April. The theme of the week will be ‘One World, One Change’ and its aim will be to change the nappy buying habits of the current generation of parents.
To celebrate Real Nappy Week, Durham County Council are giving away two nappy starter packs, which are each worth £50. To enter the draw, please go to www.facebook.com/recycleforcountydurham.
If you would like to volunteer as a real nappy advisor, please email [email protected] or visit www.durham.gov.uk/realnappies.