Sitting in a bowl of custard? Or, is it to be baked beans? Yomping the length of Hadrian’s Wall? This month and next good people throughout Durham City and County, and the rest of the Country of course, will be doing silly things, brave things, and a great deal more in support of Pudsey Bear in the Nation’s Best Loved Charity Fund Raiser the BBC’s Children In Need.
Due respects must go to the late great Sir Terry Wogan who was the driving force behind Children In Need for many years and the smiling face and smiling radio voice of the whole project. Over the years Sir Terry has worked tirelessly with the help of millions of us and achieved a magnificent legacy, let’s make sure that Pudsey and Friends can earn a record sum in Terrys memory in 2016.
The Appeal Telethon Show for Children In Need 2016 takes place on Friday November 18th and will be live on BBC One.
The Children In Need Appeal is a fantastic opportunity to come together in the Community as individuals and in groups to do something fun and in the process raise a bucket full of cash for children whose stories will go untold except for the brief video clips shown on the 18th Nov. The suffering of children goes on, sadly, but we can make a difference. Children in desperate need of life and special care, whose stories that will melt the heart of the Nation, can have their lives improved, transformed in many cases, and we can all help.
People wishing to participate in the Children In Need fundraiser should visit the official web site where there are many wonderful ideas. Donors large and small, individuals and corporate sponsors and disparate groups of people can and do make a huge difference.
Durham Magazine would love to hear from people in Durham about their plans to raise cash for Children In Need. What are you planning to do, where – so that people can join in the fun, and when? We will publish the information sent in in support of Pudsey Bear and Children In Need. Likewise, what did you do last year? We should like to share your experiences with our readers, maybe it will encourage them to join in the fun and get a mention on the big day on the BBC?
Children In Need is a lot of fun and its purpose is to give much needed fun, love, care and support to those young people who are most in need.