Euro EU Referendum 2016

It Is a Matter of Opinion

  At last the ‘big day’ has arrived, the European Referendum vote will happen on Thursday 23rd, and the fallout will begin. Once the counting is completed and the decision made the aftershock will occur...
Durham Miner Gala

This July’s Durham Miners Gala

 Durham Miners Gala Held every year on the second Saturday in July the Durham Miners Gala is almost upon us. The 122nd Gala will again wend its way through the City to the beat of...
Drones Durham Technology

It Truly is a Funny Old World – New Technology

A drone used to be a noise that went on and on in the background; somebody mowing a lawn on Sunday morning when people wanted a lie in. Some people will relate a drone...
Scouts Durham City, Co.Durham Scouts

Scouting is Cool, but Help is Needed

Since Lord Baden Powell laid down the foundations stones of the Scouting movement the organisation has grown into a Worldwide movement of which the great man would rightly be proud. The Scout Groups in and...
Designer Dogs

Pooches Aint What They Used To Be

  A walk in the park can be a confusing pursuit these days for dog friendly people and observers in general. There was a time when one’s pet was a ‘thoroughbred’ or a common cur, a...
Earths Seasons as seen from the North

High Skies and the Longest Day of the Year

We are enjoying better weather just now, long may it last. With warm sunshine giving us hot days and long pleasant evenings, sitting out with a meal or a glass of something fizzy is...

New Craft Market in Durham

There will be a Craft Market held in Durham Market Place on Sunday 19th June, with a vast assortment of produce on offer. Organisers Crafts in Durham are hosting the event that will run...
Durham Lumiere 2017 The Rain Cloud Installation

Durham Lumiere Festival and the Fresh Cultural Light Expose

A spectacular of sound and light will grace our City again in 2017. The City of Durham is well known worldwide for its cultural heritage, but that does not mean that we are standing still....

Jerusalem and Jam

The much loved hymn ‘Jerusalem’ has been celebrated for its Centenary at Beamish Museum with a mass singalong and a parallel celebration of the Suffragette Movement, the event was significant because composer Sir Hubert...
Durham Rowing Club

History Of Durham Rowing Club

The history of rowing as a sport has one of the oldest traditions in the world. It began as a method of transport and warfare eventually becoming a sport with a wide following, and...