Durham Prepares for Magical Lantern Procession and Xmas Markets

Durham’s three-day Christmas Festival is due to begin this year on Friday 2nd December. And the festival’s stunning highlight will be the Children’s Lantern...

Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and a Little History of Pancakes

Why is there a tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday? How did Ash Wednesday and Shrove Tuesday get their peculiar names? And why...

Ambitious Plans for New Durham Bus Station

Plans have been unveiled for a new eight-million-pound bus station on Durham’s North Road. The rebuilding of the city’s bus station will be part...

Durham Welcomes in Chinese New Year

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, which will be welcomed in Durham with some rather colourful celebrations. The Year of the...

Musical World Remembers Somme Composer

The world of music has been remembering a young English composer who died in the Battle of the Somme while in charge of north-east...

Composer Writes Music Based on Durham Castle Data

A young composer plans to give a concert in Durham Castle – playing music written using data from the ancient building. Jo Coupe analysed...

Durham Rounds off Chinese New Year with Lantern Festival

On January 28th, Durham held celebrations to welcome in Chinese New Year. A spectacular lion dance, a martial arts display and a Chinese craft...

The Gold Rush is a Spectacular Success, and Durham is in...

Like so many others, this weekend I have been captivated by the success of the Great Britain Team winning Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals,...

Durham from a YouTuber’s Perspective

A Walk Through Durham City by YouTuber : Michael Jiroch The video was originally Published on Sep 29th 2015

County Council Saves Durham Cricket Club

Indebted Durham County Cricket Club is now likely to survive due to a unanimous vote by county councillors on 19th October to approve a...

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